Korte foredrag

På fagkongressen kunne man opleve 70 korte foredrag. En del af præsentationerne kan du hente her.

Korte foredrag torsdag

Nils-Bo de Vos Andersen - Clinical course and prognosis of muscoskeletal pain in patients referred for physiotherapy: does pain site matter?

Jakob Lerkær - DEMMI og RSS test til stratificering af ældre borgere i almen genoptræning i Hvidovre Kommune

Ditte Rosenberg - How do physical therapists manage headache in primary care?

Lise Walther Jørgensen - Interrater reliability of volume-viscosity swallowing test; screening for dysphagia among hospitalized elderly medical patients

Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen - Objective assessment of postural control after lower limb amputation: a pilot study

Inger Mechlenburg - Progressive resistance traning in patients with hip dysplasia scheduled for periacetabular osteotomy

Tonny Jæger Pedersen - Store forskelle kommunerne imellem, når det gælder genoptræningsindsats efter indlæggelse

Helle Østergaard og Iben Beyer Sørensen - Systematic approach to competence development in written communication

Trine Seneca Comparable effect of partly supervised and self-administered exercise programme in early rheumatoid arthritis - a randomised controlled trial

Lars Morsø - Usefulness of web-based information on COPD rehabilitation

Korte foredrag fredag

Stephanie Mie Byrgese - DEMMI as an indicator for rehospitalisation in acute geriatric patients

JeanetteTrøstrup  - Effect of extended scope physiotherapists assessments in orthopaedic diagnostic setting: a systematic review

Helle Gerbi - Healthcare students' attitudes towards addressing sexual health - psychometric results of the Danish version

Christian Riberholt - Impaired cerebral autoregulation during head up tilt in severe brain injury

Anette Bentholm - Inklusions- og eksklusionsparadokset - når elever med autisme og ADHD skal inkluderes i skoleidrætten

Anne Katrine Skjølstrup Toftdal - Kan fysioterapijournaler fra kroniske lænderygpatienter anvendes til at vurdere klinisk relevant effekt?

Line Rokkedal Jønsson - Low physical performance is assoiated with devoloping pulmonary complications following acute high-risk abdominal surgery

Lisbeth Storm - Motorisk påvirkning før og efter operation hos patienter med lumbal diskusprolaps

Birgit Skoffer - No exacerbation of knee joint pain and effusion following preoperativ progressive resistance-training in patients scheduled for total knee arthroplasty

Cecilie Bartholdy - Poor replicability of-recommended exercise interventions for knee osteoarhritis; a decriptive systematic review of current clinical guidelines and recommendations

Signe Versterre - Succesfuld implementering af klinisk retningslinje for fysioterapi til patienter med amyotrofisk lateral sklerose på danske hospitaler

Helle Mätzke Rasmussen - Threshold values of ankle dorsiflexion and gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy - a randomized controlled trial

Pætur Mikal Holm - Tidligere knæskade har betydning for symptombilledet hos patienter med knæartrose

Helle Mätzke Rasmussen - Use of instrumented gait analysis for individually tailored interdisiplinary interventions in children with cerebral palsy - randomized controlled trial

Patricia de Lipthay Behrend - Innovation in habilitation for children with cerebral palsy - a cross sectorial and inter- disciplinary model