The Danish Society for Physiotherapy
Purpose and vision
The Danish Society for Physiotherapy (DSF) stems from a desire to strengthen the physiotherapy profession by facilitating strong professional environments and professional development, and helping to strengthen and realize the vision of specialized and evidence-based physiotherapy.
- DSF’s vision is to strengthen, develop and quality assure professionalism and practice.
- DSF’s mission is to be professionally indispensable.
- DSF's core values are to be:
- Dialogue-based
- Collaborative
- Courageous
- Unifying
- Evolving
About DSF
The Danish Society for Physiotherapy and the professional associations in physiotherapy represent the organizational framework in which professional knowledge, professional expertise and professional development are rooted.
DSF’s democratically elected board consists of five people who are elected from among the board members of the professional associations.
The board works closely with DSF's secretariat and professional associations in physiotherapy.
DSF works to:
- Ensure visibility and recognition of the physiotherapeutic professionalism
- Create networks, both internally and externally
- Strengthen the framework for the specialized and evidence-based professionalism.