Working as a foreign physiotherapist in Denmark
Do I need a Danish authorization?
Yes, in order to practice as a physiotherapist in Denmark, you need to apply to the Danish Patient Safety Authoruty, Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed, for a Danish authorization. You will find information and the applicationform on the website of the Danish national board of health, Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed.
You will have to contact them about how long it takes, also contact Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed concerning questions about permanent and temporary stay.
What are the requirements if I am an EU citizen?
If you have completed your training in an EU/EEA country and are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you need to fill in an application form to obtain Danish authorization as a physiotherapist. You can read more at the Danish Patient Safety Authority website.
What are the requirements if I am a non-EU countries (third countries) citizen?
- If you are a national of a non-EU/EEA country and have completed physiotherapist training in a non-EU/EEA country or
- You are a national of a non-EU/EEA country and have completed physiotherapist training in an EU/EEA country (other than Denmark) or
- You are a national of an EU/EEA country and have completed physiotherapist training in a non-EU/EEA country. You can apply for registration under the special EU/EEA provisions if you have worked for at least three years in another EU/EEA country.
Read more about the requirements here.
Is there a fee to be paid when the Danish Patient and Safety Authority has evaluated my application?
Yes, there is a fee of DKK 1.295,- to be paid when the Danish Patient and Safety Authority has evaluated your application. First you send your application electronically to the Danish Patient and Safety Authority via one of the links below. Then you print and sign the application form and send it along with the documentation of your qualifications by ordinary mail.
Is there a public register, where I can see my registration when I have received my authorization?
Yes, when you have received your authorization as a physiotherapist, the registration will appear on our public online register of healthcare professionals. Here you, your employer and anyone interested can see your registration status.
Can I look for a physio-job in Denmark while applying for a Danish authorization?
Yes, you can look for a job, but you can not work as an authorized physiotherapist before you have received your Danish authorization. But you can work as an assistant to a physiotherapist, while you are applying. It is the individual workplace hiring you, that is responsible for ensuring that you have the right skills for the tasks as an assistant.
What is the legal basis for working as a physiotherapist in Denmark?
In Denmark physiotherapists are qualified and professionally obliged to carry out an adequate examination/assessment/evaluation of the patient's needs, formulating a diagnosis, prognosis, and plan, implement a physiotherapy intervention/treatment plan, assess the effect of any completed intervention or treatment plan, provide recommendations to the patient's own efforts and determine when patients must be referred to another health profession.
In Denmark physiotherapy is regulated in the Act on the authorization of health professionals. The purpose of the Act is to enhance patient safety and improve the quality of health care services through the authorization of specific groups of health professionals, where other none educated in the field of activity concerned may constitute a danger or special hazard for the patients. The law states a full professional empowered of physiotherapists.
Where do physiotherapists work in Denmark?
Physios in Denmark work in hospitals, municipalities, private practices, companies, jails, kindergartens, schools etc. Physios also works as researchers and with quality development, as teachers in the universities, in offices, as civil servants etc.
Is it easy to find a job as a physio in Denmark?
There is basically no shortage of physiotherapists in the hospitals in Denmark, but the municipalities and in practice you will be able to apply. It is always the individual workplace that must approve your skills.
Where can I look for a job?
You can find vacancies and apply for jobs via our website "Jobbank". However, it requires that you register as a member with Danske Fysioterapeuter, Association of Danish Physiotherapists. You can register here and also feel free to contact us.
Do I have to speak Danish before applying for a job?
It is hard to find a job as a physio in Denmark if you do not speak the language. As an English-speaker you might look for a job in a private clinic. It is still the individual workplace hiring you, that is responsible that you have the right skills for the tasks. As an EU citizen you do not have to pass a language test, but to work in the Danish health care system, you will be required to do records and journals in Danish. This means you will have to be able to write Danish on a certain level.
Can I register as a member in Association of Danish Physiotherapists?
Yes, you can register here and also feel free to contact us on mail. We will be happy to welcome you as a member. While you are applying for a Danish Authorization, the membership is on student conditions where you get advice, access to website etc. to DKK 100 per quarter. When you get your Danish authorization, you become an ordinary member, see more here.
Where can I find information about education in physiotherapy in Denmark?
The professional education/training is of 3½ years duration and is theoretically and practically based and includes a clinical training programme. In addition to physiotherapy subjects the students study scientific subjects like anatomy and physiology, social science, and health science as well as pedagogy and psychology.
The education leads to a B.Sc. Professionsbachelor equivalent to 210 ECTS.
See more here.
Where can I find information about the Association of Danish Physiotherapists?
Danske Fysioterapeuter – the Association of Danish Physiotherapists – was founded in 1918. The association is a professional body as well as a trade union, and its object is to serve its members on all levels. See more here.