Assessment of physical performance in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation?

Assessment of physical performance in patients with cardiac or pulmonary disease is used before and after rehabilitation and in risk assessment. Assessments of physical performance are challenges due to a gap between international guidelines and easily applicable testing procedures in both hospital and community settings.
Get provided with evidence for exercise intervention and whether assessment of physical performance is important, a review of advanced and easily applicable measurements to assess physical performance and recommendations.
- Patrick Doherty, professor, PT, University of York, United Kingdom
- Lars Tang, postdoc, PT, REHPA, Denmark
- Henrik Hansen, PhD-student, PT, Research Unit for Chronic Diseases and Telemedicine, Denmark
- Henrik Hansen: Effect of exercise intervention and assessment of physical performance in pulmonary disease?
- Lars Tang: Effect of exercise and assessment of physical performance in cardiac disease?
- Patrick Doherty: Rehabilitation assessment of physical fitness and outcomes in patients with a co-morbidity of CVD and COPD.
The lectures are followed by a discussion with participants, based on specific questions related to the main topics of the symposium.
Moderatorer: Christian Dall and Nicolai Mikkelsen
The symposium is planned in collaboration between Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hospital, REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care and Society of Cardiac and Respiratory Physiotherapy, Denmark.