Spinal pain: Myths, facts and treatment strategies

Spinal pain poses a significant economic burden on the sufferers as well as the society, and is the most common reason for people seeking help within the healthcare system in Denmark. With this in mind, research has focused on spinal pain covering everything from basic pain mechanisms to implementing new treatment and management strategies.
Firstly, the latest knowledge on the mechanisms underlying spinal pain will be summarized and how these may contribute to the overall clinical picture.
Secondly, the focus will be on the latest advances in evidence-based treatment strategies for neck and low back pain.
The purpose of the symposium is to reduce the gap between research and clinical practice by linking basic science to clinical findings and management strategies. And possible explanation models and treatment strategies that can be implemented in clinical practice will be outlined.
All presenters are involved in clinical research on the presented topics. Therefore, the emphasis will be on the clinical relevance of the current research literature and how it may be used to guide clinical practice.
- Steffan Wittrup Christensen, PT, PhD, SMI, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, AAU
- Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson, PT, PhD, SMI, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, AAU
- Lars Henrik Larsen, PT, PhD student, Fysioterapiuddannelsen, UCN
- Anneli Peolsson, professor, Dep. Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden
- Kieran O´Sullivan, PhD, Sports Spine Center, Aspetar, Qatar
- Steffan Wittrup Christensen: The effect of neck pain on motor function
- Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson: The effects of low back and pelvis girdle pain on pain sensitivity
- Lars Henrik Larsen: The effects of low back pain on motor function
- Anneli Peolsson: Treatment of neck pain – whats new?
- Kieran O´Sullivan: Treatment of low back pain – whats new?
Moderator: Kasper Ussing
Dr. Kieran O´Sullivan is also speaking at the congress about "Spinal pain – when is it less about the spine, and more about the person?"
Postcourse med Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan om ”The Sporting Spine”
Fokus på kurset er idrætsrelaterede rygsmerter. Rygsmerter rammer atleter på forskellige niveauer og kan være svære at håndtere, hvilket kan skyldes kompleksiteten eller forventningspresset fra både atlet og omgivelser.
- Tid og sted: 15. april 2018 i Odense.
- Pris: 1500kr.
- Tilmelding: info@apexfysio.dk
- Yderligere info: https://apexfysio.dk/2017/11/16/the-sporting-spine/