How to address Achilles tendinopathy when the usual first line treatment fails?

WORKSHOP // Evidence on eccentric versus heavy slow resistance exercises for Achilles tendinopathy. Individual exercise program and pain monitoring to improve compliance and outcome. Differential diagnostics in Achilles tendinopathy. What other treatment modalities can we use, when the exercise treatment fails?

Achilles tendinopathy often has a complicated history of pain, repeated attempts of treatment and exercise and re-occurrence of pain, when returning to sports. The ability of the patients to be consistent and motivated in the rehabilitation varies highly and often they either give up the training or continues with the same load and end up with a chronic condition.

This workshop will guide you through the process of choosing the optimal exercise program for Achilles tendinopathy and what other treatments to consider if exercises fails.

The workshop consists of theory and practical examples of exercise programs and ultrasound diagnostics of the Achilles tendon:

  • Rikke Beyer: The evidence behind the eccentric versus heavy slow resistance exercises – where do we stand?
    How can we design individual rehabilitation programs combined with activity control, exercise and pain monitoring?

  • Lorenzo Masci: Diffential diagnostics in Achilles tendinopathy
    What options are there for diagnostics and other treatment modalities if exercise fails? Including “the role of plantaris tendon in Achilles tendinopathy”.


  • Lorenzo Masci, Consultant in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Pure sports medicine and ISEH, London, United Kingdom
  • Rikke Beyer, PT, PhD student, Institute of Sports Medicine, Hospital and faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Moderator: Marianne Christensen

Symposium organized by The Danish Association of Ultrasound Imaging in Physiotherapy

Hent præsentationen fra fagkongressen (Lorenzo Masci)

Hent præsentationen fra fagkongressen (Rikke Beyer)